This is a game prototype I had started building for the Pirate Software Game Jam 15, but that I didn't finish in time. 

In fact, I never really finished it at all. I've uploaded it here just so it's out there, but it's unfinished, quite buggy, and really really hard to win. 

Also, the instructions panel doesn't actually tell you how to play, so... you move with the arrows or WASD, and use the spacebar to interact with outlined objects when you are near them.

Very few objects can be interacted with - just:

  • the book, which tells you which ingredients to pick up;
  • the cauldron, where you must drop the ingredients once picked up;
  • the ingredients themselves, which look like regular objects from afar but are outlined when you get near them.

In short, this is absolute chaos, but it's technically feature complete, and I got to where I wanted to go with the development, so that's all there will ever be to it.

Enjoy 😅

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